Tuesday, June 18, 2013

All is well in the Cape

Waiting for plane in Montreal
June 13th, 4 sleepy heads from Canada arrived to Muizenberg, Cape Town in a complete daze-like/dream-like state after 2 long traveling days.  They do not recall how, but somehow they pushed all their heavy baggage through security and customs.  Yes, all of their baggage made it to South Africa in one piece (well 8)!!!!  Praising the Lord already!!!

They were welcomed by the most beautiful gathering of people who had come to greet them at the airport, including the dearly missed auntie Charlene.  Swiftly they were taken away by these angels to their vehicle where the youngest travelers swiftly fell asleep.

Driven to their new home (for the next 3 months), they found a huge mountain behind their dwelling.  They probably were dreaming.

They were given groceries and nappies (diapers) to sustain them until they could think again & go shopping.  Equipped with a schedule for the next 3 weeks, important phone numbers and critical house information, they knew they were indeed in good hands with these folks.  Blown away by the kindness already being showed to them and excited to get to know these people better, they began unpacking their suitcases.  Little did they know this would take a week...  or more (have yet to find out).

The most emergent was to find those jackets...  The travelers were COLD!

Thus is the story of Mike, Marie-Eve, Raphael and Vincent the day they came to South Africa.  So many thoughts & feelings have come to them since, and how would I ever begin to describe them was it not through a list (my lame attempt at not going all over the map).

Talking about maps, I thought a little map would help you get situated as we talk about all kinds in this blog.  I reckon this would be a splendid idea.  So lovely Muizenberg is underlined yellow and it is where we are currently living.  Philippi is underlined in red and this is the township where the Hope Africa rents space to teach their classes.  It is about a 15 minute drive.  It looks like there are no road since google map doesn't have them marked as they are not easy to travel and well not really real roads.

As you can see, Muizenberg is a small suburb by the beach.  It is WINDY like you wouldn't believe (but not unlike other places by the water).  It's an adorable little place, a dream come true for surfers (which we are not, YET).  On our first day here, Charlene (Mike's sister) brought us to see the water front and we saw quite a few surfers.  So cool.  We also saw some surfers running on the street with their boards.  That felt like we were in a movie.  So cray cray crazy.

The down side to all this waterfront dealio is that Muizenberg has wet and cold winters.  And well...  it is currently winter here, so always the opposite of North America.  It doesn't get cold like Manitoba, but the houses don't have insulation and the nights get chilly at 7 Celsius!!!  We're thankful for warm blankets and hot water bottles!!!  I really wish I had gotten a fleece onesie for myself too!  I sorta think that Manitoba was mission training or something...

We have met people from all over the world so far and have had a hard time distinguishing between the British and the white South Africans.  I have this ridiculous urge to speak with the same accent as them, although I get worried they will think I'm mocking them.  I refrain until I can't take it anymore...  So I'm learning to filter (yeah, not really).

We had some Africans over for supper and I made some Fajita to highlight our strong Mexican culture you know???  I think they were confused but didn't want to say ;)

To shoe or not to shoes
Most people do go by shoes around town and well never take them off.  The floor is so cold anyway that I have already adopted this part of the culture.  I'm still NOT ok with my floors being dirty, so this poses a bit of a challenge thus far ;)

Never mind dear innocent deer...  I'm talking BABOONS.  Aggressive baboons.  Bad idea to hit them on the road.

Backwards drivers
Not only does everything look strange, but the driving is confusing and well I'll continue walking thank you very much.  Or should I say much very you thank. 

Friday night we got to experience our first market.  I wish I had more pictures, but it's not smart to show phones or cameras in public due to the high crime around here.  That said, when going in the market:
Men @ the door: "Mam, do you have a firearm?"   Me: "Scuse me?"
Men @ the door: "Mam, do you have a firearm?"  
Me: "Uuuum, no!"

The market was so wonderful, great food too!  I spotted sushi?!?!?  They have people from all over the world here, but I have yet to see Asians so not sure if I can trust that sushi just yet.  I might get desperate enough tho.

We were able to purchase such inexpensive produces there, it was really shocking! 

Raphael had a big birthday since coming here and we were so glad to have a few friends coming over to celebrate.  He was so funny asking everyone he met if they would come to his birthday.  It meant a lot to him that people came and had cake with him and even played soccer (or should I say football?).

We found some Lightening McQueen hats, plates, napkins at the local grocery store.  AMAZING.  The birthday boy was impressed. 

Becky, Joshie, Thoko
He is adjusting slowly, the first few days were the worse with him being so over tired from the trip and really (I mean REALLY) cranky.  He did AMAZING during the traveling part tho and for that we are really grateful.

Vincent is well...  still Vincent.  We have to keep an eye on him and the toilette at all times as it seams to be his ultimate goal to put everything in there.  If that wasn't bad enough, he eats all dirt he can see, or food he can find.  I feed him I promise!!  He has adjusted really well too, minus a minor runny nose and a few extra bruises.
Our first church service we had the privilege of visiting Charlene's church (Mike's sister) and once again were blown away by the kindness of the people welcoming us here.  We loved worshiping with our brothers and sisters on this side of the world.  What a privilege. I miss our NCF people, but guys, look at that view!!!

Coming up...
This week we need to find a car and ask that you keep that in your prayers.  Until then...  CHEERS.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Le French land

Sunday June 2nd, we celebrated Raph's birthday early with family and we called it his pretend birthday since he's still not actually 4 years old yet.  My sister-in-law Joyce showed me how to make fondant cakes and I was very impressed with our results so forgive me as I boast in earthly things, I am still in my decaying body after all.

After praying for a train set for his birthday for months, Raph was happy to get his dreams come true!!!

Joyce and Noah made a piniata for the kids and it was a HIT. 

Tuesday morning (June 4th), was the day marked on our calendar for weeks already as the day of our departure from Manitoba.  D day.  Except no doom, just bittersweet feelings and mixed emotions.  Some excitement, some dread, but overwhelming sense of wanting to get this leaving part over with!!

We hate good byes and well the last few days have been emotional, tiring and interesting to say the least.  The saga of packing 7 suitcases of clothes, necessities, Kraft dinners and other very important favorites things took hours of pressing, pushing, shoving, wrapping, weighting, sweating, and stressing over how to make this work!  You get the picture right??? And all this to have to be redone in Quebec!!!

Today is our last full day in Canada.  So...  Blessed be today!!!  The sun is shinning after a week of rain and I love-me-some-Vitamin D.  It's pretty much the only time I blog or write (sitting in the sun) so please forgive me if you don't hear as much from us on rainy days!!!

To recap, our family took to the skies (not over) Tuesday @ 10:00 a.m. and I have a forever picture in my mind of Vi, Ray & Darrell joyfully walking up to the truck like ducks in a row with suitcase carriers to help us with our "few" luggage.  It made me smile to see their joy, and their excitement for us instead of sadness.  I really needed that as I just didn't want to have yet another crying time.  That's so yesterday.

Thank you for you prayers also!!!  The Lord really did pave the way for us, including the wonderful people around us in the plane who NEVER glared when Vincent puked from the turbulent flight.  They were made aware of this main event (free entertainment really) by Raphael's non-stop-freaked-out-screeches: "Vincent puked!", "It smells so bad!", "Puke is so gross" and so on.  In that moment people started passing bags and napkins our way.  Thinking about it now, that was kindda funny.  In the moment it was mostly stressful as we were LANDING (don't tell them I wasn't wearing my seat belt) and needed to get cleaned up!!!  Mike won some jewels on his heavenly crown with his attitude.  Fair to say I'm now newly equipped with Gravol for the next 2 flights.

Now we have been in French land for almost a week for some R&R (Rest & Relaxation).  WHAT?  WAIT?  I was just kidding!!!  And Raph agrees too...

coloring is so tiring

There is not much relaxation going on with 2 little munchkins sharing a new room, but we are sure glad we got to come here for a week; see family and friends before we head out to South Africa.

My younger sister Mimi with Vincent & Raph

I always enjoy being back at my "old" church and seeing how much it has grown from evangelism and discipleship.  They are inspiring and their faith is so vibrant.  I love being there.

Tomorrow @ 10:00 P.M. we take to the skies again, destination Cape Town, South Africa.  We are excited and anxious and ask that you pray for peace that reaches beyond all understanding.  Our Lord is the only one who can make us fearless as we step out in faith.  Please pray also for the kids stomach and over all good attitude as we face 2 long days (and nights) of traveling, which can be taxing on even the best kids (which we off course have).

Hope you are well, miss you all already!!!

Mike & Marie-Eve