Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Beep Beep

Oh life in Africa is never, EVER, boring.  These last few Sunday’s I’ve taken the opportunity to attend a Xhosa church (Xhosa being race/culture of the people who live in the township we serve in SA).  Every week has been a huge adventure, seeing the body of Christ operate in another language and culture!  Xhosa churches are full of life and excitement, and this was no different.

I wanted to share one amazing testimony with you from August 3rd church service, and it’s bound to blow your mind.

A middle aged man came forward and began sharing what happened during his last week, on his way home from work.  As he was walking home and saw a bunch of children playing on the road in front of him (this is very typical as most houses don’t have yards for kids to play in, so the children play in the street).  While he was watching, a taxi comes driving towards the kids. 

To understand this story, you have to understand what “taxis” are here in South Africa.  They are the people’s primary option for public transport.   

South Africa taxi
There are 2 large taxis companies in the area and both of them are run by gangs.  There are regular “taxi wars”, where taxi drivers are shot and killed for taking other drivers’ routes.  Just a little over a month ago, only 5 minutes from where we live, about 10 taxis drivers were shot and killed due to a dispute.  Sadly the police have very little control over the taxi system. 

On the roads, the taxis completely do their own thing.  Daily, I witness taxis driving through red lights, speeding, cutting people off, using turning lanes to go straight, etc.  Basically they do whatever they want to do and since everyone knows that, the rest of traffic just yields to them.

Back to the story, as this taxi is driving towards these kids, there is also a 2 year old child on the road (who is unable to move away on time) and the child is driven over by the taxi.  The man from church goes running to the child, but just before he picks up the child, he senses the Holy Spirit telling him to pray.  So he prays for the child, picks him up and looks around for the parents.  It takes a few minutes to find the parents, but he finally locates them.   

Quickly relatives, neighbors and others gather around this little boy who is bleeding badly from the head.

After a few more minutes, surprisingly, the same taxi driver comes back and offers to bring the child to the hospital.  So the man from church jumps into the taxi with the child, to make sure the taxi actually goes to the hospital.  On the way there, the driver starts to complain about the cost of fuel for the trip, and so the man from church has to put fuel into the taxi to keep going.  He keeps praying for the child, and while sharing this in church, he was very emotional still.

Once they arrive at the hospital, the doctors do a rapid assessment and since the child is not doing well, they immediately transfer him to Cape Town biggest children’s hospital.  Upon arriving, the doctor there comes to see the child.  With the family all gathered, the man from church simply tells them that in faith, he is confident that God is going to heal the child.

Capetown Children Hospital
Just a little while later, the child is discharged from the hospital and the doctor says the child is 100% ok!  It was amazing to hear this testimony and the whole church praised God for saving the baby.

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