Monday, February 3, 2014

Our first colored Christmas

In my last blog post I noted how our Christmas deserved it own post, maybe because I was hoping that the words would eventually come to me about what had just happened?!?  Either way, this was a unique Christmas for which I still don't exactly have words for!  I hope the pictures can help you get the picture. 

A white-Christmas: NOT
So we're here, half way across the world,  and all I can think of is "when is it going to snow?"  This whole warm Christmas is so confusing to our Canadian brains, we are still battling the thought that Christmas came and went.  We tried so hard: we played music (let it snow, let it snow, let it snow), we decorated...

My $2.50 tree...  not bad eh?
On Christmas's Eve I even made snow!  After all, it's not Christmas unless there is snow.

Snow cones?

Snow cold...
Christmas morning
On Christmas morning we read the Christmas story.

ok we read it after posing for this picture
Vincent was insistent on "seeing", but there wasn't pictures...

Then we opened presents
Dinos are a big hit right now
Some of us could use some help with wrapping
WHAT?!?  A dino car?

We also gave presents 

Our friend Mawande Mani actually clapped opening his Bible :)

New shoes for the beautiful Claudia
Then we opened our packages from home

Green tea excitement
And we ate chocolate

Braii time
Christmas day we also hosted the braii of the century (South African word for BBQ)!!!  We cooked, baked and BBQ for hours...  And all together had a wonderful feast with our African brothers and sisters.  

Our friends who have a pool let us use their house (they were not home during the holidays).  A pool party on Christmas.  I'm telling you, we tried... but it didn't really feel like Christmas to us.  

looking good :)
Some of the Xhosa people we invited said it was their best Christmas ever, and it was very cool for us to have been able to do this for them.

Pastor preaching it
Our kids really enjoyed it too, even tho they were really tired after. 

I also have hilarious footage of the whole thing, do let me know if you want to see it.  So there, you have it.  Our first colored Christmas.  


  1. Thanks for giving us this wonderful description of your Christmas celebrations. May you continue to experience God's blessings, protection, good health and a successful ministry in S.A.

  2. Bonjour Marie-Eve,
    Merci de nous partager ton Noël en Afrique. C'est bon ton "Let it snow".
    Je suis content que la classe que Mike donne sur "Connaître Jésus" se déroule bien. Je continue de prier pour cela. Je remercie le Seigneur pour votre fardeau pour les Africains. Ton papa xx

  3. Salut Marie-Ève et Mike,

    Je viens juste de lire vos nouvelles concernant votre Noël. Mieux vaut tard que jamais... Je suis contente que vous ayez passé un joyeux Noël et que vous ayez partagé ce beau moment avec d'autres. Nous aurions beaucoup aimé vous avoir avec nous ou être avec vous, mais le Seigneur en a décidé autrement et c'est parfait comme cela. Je pense que le Seigneur a besoin de gens avec un grand cœur, comme vous, pour faire avancer son œuvre. Je continue de prier afin qu'il vous utilise et vous bénisse ainsi que votre (son) ministère. Ta maman XX
