Monday, June 10, 2013

Le French land

Sunday June 2nd, we celebrated Raph's birthday early with family and we called it his pretend birthday since he's still not actually 4 years old yet.  My sister-in-law Joyce showed me how to make fondant cakes and I was very impressed with our results so forgive me as I boast in earthly things, I am still in my decaying body after all.

After praying for a train set for his birthday for months, Raph was happy to get his dreams come true!!!

Joyce and Noah made a piniata for the kids and it was a HIT. 

Tuesday morning (June 4th), was the day marked on our calendar for weeks already as the day of our departure from Manitoba.  D day.  Except no doom, just bittersweet feelings and mixed emotions.  Some excitement, some dread, but overwhelming sense of wanting to get this leaving part over with!!

We hate good byes and well the last few days have been emotional, tiring and interesting to say the least.  The saga of packing 7 suitcases of clothes, necessities, Kraft dinners and other very important favorites things took hours of pressing, pushing, shoving, wrapping, weighting, sweating, and stressing over how to make this work!  You get the picture right??? And all this to have to be redone in Quebec!!!

Today is our last full day in Canada.  So...  Blessed be today!!!  The sun is shinning after a week of rain and I love-me-some-Vitamin D.  It's pretty much the only time I blog or write (sitting in the sun) so please forgive me if you don't hear as much from us on rainy days!!!

To recap, our family took to the skies (not over) Tuesday @ 10:00 a.m. and I have a forever picture in my mind of Vi, Ray & Darrell joyfully walking up to the truck like ducks in a row with suitcase carriers to help us with our "few" luggage.  It made me smile to see their joy, and their excitement for us instead of sadness.  I really needed that as I just didn't want to have yet another crying time.  That's so yesterday.

Thank you for you prayers also!!!  The Lord really did pave the way for us, including the wonderful people around us in the plane who NEVER glared when Vincent puked from the turbulent flight.  They were made aware of this main event (free entertainment really) by Raphael's non-stop-freaked-out-screeches: "Vincent puked!", "It smells so bad!", "Puke is so gross" and so on.  In that moment people started passing bags and napkins our way.  Thinking about it now, that was kindda funny.  In the moment it was mostly stressful as we were LANDING (don't tell them I wasn't wearing my seat belt) and needed to get cleaned up!!!  Mike won some jewels on his heavenly crown with his attitude.  Fair to say I'm now newly equipped with Gravol for the next 2 flights.

Now we have been in French land for almost a week for some R&R (Rest & Relaxation).  WHAT?  WAIT?  I was just kidding!!!  And Raph agrees too...

coloring is so tiring

There is not much relaxation going on with 2 little munchkins sharing a new room, but we are sure glad we got to come here for a week; see family and friends before we head out to South Africa.

My younger sister Mimi with Vincent & Raph

I always enjoy being back at my "old" church and seeing how much it has grown from evangelism and discipleship.  They are inspiring and their faith is so vibrant.  I love being there.

Tomorrow @ 10:00 P.M. we take to the skies again, destination Cape Town, South Africa.  We are excited and anxious and ask that you pray for peace that reaches beyond all understanding.  Our Lord is the only one who can make us fearless as we step out in faith.  Please pray also for the kids stomach and over all good attitude as we face 2 long days (and nights) of traveling, which can be taxing on even the best kids (which we off course have).

Hope you are well, miss you all already!!!

Mike & Marie-Eve


  1. ALL My love prayers and Good wishes. May God keep you protected and content as you do his work!

  2. We sure are excited for you! I'm praying for you as you travel.
