Thursday, May 23, 2013

The good and the bad of country living

During the last 3 weeks living at Mike’s parents in Grunthal, I have discovered something I was trying to tell myself wasn’t true: my kids love a lot of space and living in the country.  Tell me it isn’t so!!!!

Our house in Niverville is large and so nice in comparison to many in this world yet lately with Mike’s business occupying the basement and the kids being boys, we found ourselves a bit too much in each other’s space over the winter months.  Or maybe it was just the weather?  Anyway, the last 3 weeks my kiddos have embraced the extra space we have here.  The good and the bad, the stitches and the kitties, the runaway child and the getting along, the sharing a room and the yummy food.  ALL OF IT.  Stitches you say?  Runaway???  Let me explain...

Raphael and Vincent are now sharing a room, which leads to many adventures.  Once we close the door at bed time, God and the 2 monkeys ONLY know what trouble happens in there, until one night a child screamed bloody murder and was indeed bloody.  A trip to the ER later to visit a MD from Cape Town, South Africa and Vincent is now the proud owner of 3 stitches, until he has to give them back.  Or just throw them out.  I don’t think I’ll put them in my scrapbook either.  We are only guessing the cause of the cut on his head.  Here are the 2 mainstream theories:
1. A lamp fell on his head after he pulled it down from the 4 foot tall dresser. 
2. He tried to jump from dresser A to dresser B and didn’t quite make it, ending up bashing his head backwards unto dresser A. 
Both of these theories are just as possible now that Vincent cannot be held back by playpen land.  It’s interesting that Raph slept through the whole ordeal, and probably best he didn’t see this “event”.

With all that Vincent graduated to a big boy sponge as the play pen was useless.  You can find him anywhere in the room during the night except for on the sponge.  Open door with caution.

The runaway child:
One of the downside of living here is that it is hard to keep track of the children with such a large yard!!!  We keep our eyes on the imminent danger like the highway, but somehow didn’t notice them walking over to the neighbor as we were making supper.  Now... that "neighbor" happens to be Mike’s brother!!!  We looked and looked and pretended we were not panicked at all (yet we were), until we got a call that Vincent was jumping on their trampoline.  Temptation #1: trampoline.  Duh.  Off course!!!  A Temptation #2: cats.  He follows them everywhere, and they have kittens...  Temptation #3: other little people.  Their cousins live next door too.  You can see how this was too much temptations.  So now we put up a barrier to the path leading to their house and seem that Vincent hasn’t figured it out yet and well Raph knows better than to show him.  Bless his big brother heart.  They have been getting along so amazingly these last few weeks, experiencing all this together and Raph watching over his little fellow sibling.

If we wash things they get shinny.  Thus is the lesson Raphael is learning from his Grandpa who happens to be newly enthralled by cleaning old snowmobiles.  Observe.  Analyse.  Repeat.  Include little people #2 in project.

Birds are in:
Birds have kept Raph & Vincent entertained so much!  They stand by the window and watch the birds coming and going.  They love it!


Lesson #1: Ticks suck your blood.  That’s the lesson we have learned so far being in Grunthal.  Also new lesson: God made blood but He also made enough that if they want to suck our blood, we will be ok.  Lesson #2 was taught in order to balance the first lesson and lessen its impact on the biggest little person in our lives.  Are you still following me??

We love tractors:
The reason we learned about ticks in the first place is because of the adventurous side of little people #2, being Vincent.  MUST. EXPLORE. EVERYTHING. Especially tractors!!!!!

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