But wait! When you and I (North Americans) think of a seminar, we almost all think about it in our North American way (sorry non-North Americans reading this, this may not be the case for you!) Name tags, refreshment between sessions like tea and coffee or maybe some bananas and apples, goody bags with notebooks and candies, collective lunches, schedules printed on pretty paper and free pen (seriously tho, there are always free pen),... The list goes on!!!! Ok, now get that picture out of your mind and let me welcome you to South Africa, 2013.
On August 9th, Mike had a chance to teach at his first South African pastor’s seminar in the township of Gugulethu. Bishop Lucas invited him and Terry (Hope Africa director) to come and teach to about 120 church leaders from the provinces of the Western & Eastern Cape. This was a 4 day seminar so it was worth the trip. Bishop Lucas is something else: He has planted 40 churches in these 2 provinces and used to preach up to 15 times a week and he is only in his mid 50's (or so we're guessing)! He is not part of any conference and he has discipled all of his pastors personally. Talk about hard work and dedication to the work of the Lord.
At this time, Bishop Lucas is looking for ways to partner with Hope Africa to offer training for the pastors and leaders of his churches, as well as for some of the his younger people in his churches to go through the program EPIC (Equipping People in Christ), a one month intensive Bible School that Hope Africa offers, to those interested in going deeper in their faith. A few people from our staff are actually from one of his church and have come to us through EPIC. We are still exploring this partnership and it is very exciting.
Funny thing is Mike had to get a suit, tie and new shoes (apparently his running shoes were not nice enough for the occasion). Pastors here really "do it up" and the girls from staff told him to go shopping. I've been telling him this for years without success. I must remember to ask them for help more often. He seriously might have looked better on that day than on our wedding day, or maybe I have grown to love him more??? Either way, he definitely looked the part!!!
Mike felt supported by all who prayed back home and well from all the "Amens," "Hms & Ahs," and "Hallelujahs," during his teaching time. He will be expecting this when we come back to Niverville, just heads up. Things went really well, despite having to cut his material in half "on the spot" as he didn't know he would have to speak through a translator. He spoke on faithfulness from the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, teaching that God is always faithful, God never promises to remove hardship (but he will not leave us or forsake us). He explained that faithfulness and success are not the same thing, and how to cultivate faithfulness in our lives and ministries. There was lots of passionate singing and worshiping, and the presence of God was very real as you can see in this video!!!
So as you can see, this is a whole different seminar than what we picture! Talking about picture, I don't feel I need any for this blog with this video. It is the next best thing if you can't be there. The Bishop and his wife sit in the middle of the stage, which is not something we are used to. And I don't know the story behind all the matching outfits, but we don't have that at "our" seminars. All the women at the seminar are the pastor's wives who have come together with their husbands... to sit on the other side of them :)
After Mike was finished speaking (and had lost all his voice from YELLING his sermon African-style), the Bishop shared how he had not talked with Mike or Terry at all about what material to cover or talk about during their session, but what Mike had taught was right on the mark for what God has been teaching and leading them through this week. The power of the Holy Spirit I tell you!
An elderly lady was asked to close in prayer, and she shared how for the first time in her life, she was blessed to see white people and black people coming together for the same purpose. Halleluiah, God is breaking down walls of discrimination all around us. How beautiful to be able to worship the same God together! She was was probably 55 years old, and I believe that God did a little work of healing across racial lines and in her heart. Amazing.
Praise the Lord! God is at work all over the world and He has chosen us to participate in His work!!! Blessings as you experience God in another culture.