Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Mixed emotions on leaving

So we got a call today about a possible renter.  Which means we (I) need to get the house ready, depersonalized, and I'm so daunted by all this.  It's like I can't deal with any more emotions right now and the thought of taking down Raph's drawing off the fridge brings me to tears, because it means we are moving.  Never mind leaving our family here.

In the past, when tasks have felt too big, I retreat.  I'm not the best fighter, and it's mostly because I don't believe in my abilities, and lack faith that God will carry me through.  I'm scared right now of loosing myself in leaving all that I know behind.  I remember how much I became a different person when I moved to Manitoba because no one knew who I was.  There was no expectations, no inside knowledge.  It was also very lonely. 

This fear is almost paralyzing as I look at the list of to dos and can hardly get past #1.  I feel like I'm moving in a pit of soft bubble gum (any Biggest Looser fans out there will know what I mean), slow motion and with difficulty.

Mike and I had a foster nephew pass away last week.  I think the realness of loss just showed it's ugly head, bringing me into a place of nothingness.  My biggest fear in leaving is losing someone while we are away.  This obviously brought out all those emotions and feelings I've been trying to repress to the surface.  Yet I'm the best at suppression.  But the truth is I am dealing with the loss of this little person side by side with this loss of leaving as if in one breath that cannot be separated.  And sometimes it takes my breath away. 

Please pray for us as we mourn all those things.  We appreciate you so much.   


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