Tuesday, January 29, 2013

January Update

The last few months have been very exciting for our family!!!  We have been blessed over and over again by God using his people to encourage & support us. 

A few years ago, when God started working in our hearts building a passion to grow His kingdom amongst the poor in our world, we had no idea it would lead us down this road.  Since then we have waited to see what doors He would open and where He would lead.  The crazy (beautiful) thing is that we have found ourselves on this amazing journey, preparing to go on long term mission to South Africa.  How amazing that God puts His compassion in our hearts to prepare us for what was ahead???
Since our last letter, we have had the chance to meet with many of you privately already and share about that passion to serve with Bridge for Hope in Cape Town - SA.  We have been so blessed by those many evenings of chatter about the work the Lord is already doing there, sharing in more details about what God has laid on our hearts, but also by getting to know YOU, our supporters on a more intimate level.  If we haven’t had the chance yet to meet with you for tea/coffee and you would want to do that, let us know.  We would love to have you over!!!!

We have also had many opportunities to speak in churches and small groups, (even in Quebec) and are hoping to continue to do so.  With all this we strive to find a balance between support raising and family time and ask that you keep us in your prayers in this particularly busy time.  

Bridge for Hope continues to busy themselves with their ministry and we cannot wait to join them.  The challenges are great in an area with 70% unemployment. But we believe the greatest challenge facing these communities is a poverty of hope.  When you can’t imagine even the possibility a better future, there is no motivation to seek change for yourself, your family, or your community. The profound absence of hope only compounds the issues of poverty.  The truth is that only Christ can give true hope and bring about heart transformation. 

We currently have 65% of the monthly support pledge that we need before we go.  At this time we are hoping to be able to leave in April; however we will need 100% of our support in order to do so.  We ask that you continue to pray for us as we meet with potential supporters.  We are so grateful for all of the support we have received so far and could not feel more blessed to know so many incredibly generous people.

Prayer requests:
-Renters for our house
-A place for our belongins while we are gone
-Smooth sailing with Visa/Passports
-Buyer for 1 of our cars

Friday, January 25, 2013

Introduction to Mike & Marie-Eve mission

We finally have a blog!!!!!

Here we will discuss all things related to our South Africa mission plans (probably more too). 

A few years ago God started working in our hearts building a passion to grow His kingdom specifically amongst the poor in our world. Since then we have waited to see what doors God would open and where He would lead. He has led us to go on long term missions in South Africa, and we are so excited to tell you all about it here! 

Three years ago on our trip to Mozambique Africa, (http://mikemarieevemozambique.blogspot.ca/) we saw many gripping causes that need attention. For us, we felt a specific God-given compassion for the poor, and for the local pastors who are working among the poor but have extremely little Biblical training or mentorship. We believe that the only true hope for lasting freedom from poverty in our world is Christ. Through Christ the chains that hold people in poverty, oppression, violence, fear, depression, hopelessness and sin can be broken! It is Jesus who can change our world. Sensing these burdens in our lives we sought the Lord in prayer and after careful consideration we believe that God is calling us to serve in South Africa in an area just outside of Cape Town call the “Cape Flats”. We will be working with a fairly new organization called Bridge For Hope.

In the 1950’s the Cape Flats area became home to people the apartheid government designated as non-White, forcing them out of more central urban areas (designated for white people) into government-built reserves called “townships” that quickly became slums. The Flatshave since then been home to much of the population of Greater Cape Town (roughly 4 million people). In the flats:

            30% of the community is infected with HIV/AIDS,

            40% live in informal tin shacks, made of corrugated iron, particleboard, and scrap metal.

            50% are un-employed,

            30% do not have in home water access,

Despite its challenges, the “Cape Flatsis home to a vibrant culture and is one of the most diverse areas in South Africa. In the midst of this brokenness, Bridge For Hope’s focus is on equipping African individuals to be the change in their society and to build sustainable communities in the Cape Flats.

Bridge for Hope’s vision is to bring transformative solutions to poverty, suffering and injustice through holistic community development by means of education, healthcare, small business development, and Biblical training/church planting. There are many different communities in the Cape Flats, and Bridge For Hope seeks to transform these communities so that they are free from poverty. The goal is to have communities sustaining themselves from within, being managed by their own people, thriving not only economically but in every aspect. On a macro level Bridge For Hope’s model of community development will be multiplied in neighboring communities to form regions that are successfully growing out of extreme poverty.

Our desire is to work primarily in Biblical training and church planting. In particular, we want to work alongside pastors, discipling and training them to be able to lead their churches effectively based on Biblical teachings. We also want to help people with job training, hopefully teaching people computer related skills.  Bridge for Hope believes in caring for the whole person, bringing Jesus into their homes, work, education, health care and spiritual formation.

This is not a small task and we cannot do it alone.  We covet your prayers more than anything, as we recognize that without them we are fighting a battle alone. Join us in praying for a world free from the bondage of sin and extreme poverty.  Pray for us now as we prepare to leave, and once in Africa. Also please prayerfully discern if giving us financial support is something you would like to be a part of.

You can also find out more information about Hope Africa Collective from their website www.http://hopeafrica.com/ or e-mail us: mikefast@b4hope.com

*Prayer Requests*

The most important thing we need is your prayer support. Please pray for:

- Discernment as we move our family to an unknown country.

- A growing love, understanding and respect for those we will minister with in South Africa.

- A continuing sense of peace as we pursue what the Lord has in store for us.

- Health

“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can

they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" Romans10:14-15

“Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.” Psalm 82:3-4